On board Training – Vietnam

Lerus Training Center provides special training courses for persons who have offshore experience and prospective employees. You can find more information about an opportunity to undergo practise and training courses on board the vessel with Lerus Training Centre assistance at this page. Please find the list of training programs below:

Bureau Veritas

Kursus ini disertifikas
oleh Bureau Veritas.
On board Training – Vietnam - Photo 1

DP Systems are vital for safety operations such as deep water drilling (Drillships, Mobile Offshore Drilling Units), anchor handling (Anchor handling tug supply vessel operation for anchoring of non-DP MODU), supply for oil rigs and platforms (entry to the 500m safety zone of offshore installation), subsea construction, ROV Support etc. This is a safe, fast and reliable tool to perform daily offshore operations. We provide DP familiarization training for prospective DPO.

The ROV operations are important for drilling (to monitor the BOP and riser), construction support (surveys, touch-down monitoring, interfacing), IRM (inspection, tooling), etc. The career of the ROV Pilot is well suited to people with a strong technical aptitude. Salary rates are based on demand and can range from 350 to 1000 US Dollars per day. Experience and supervision qualities have impact on the day rate. You have an opportunity to join the on board ROV Pilot / Technician Grade II course to develop your career as ROV pilot.

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