NI DP Revalidation / Refresher and Competency Assessment Course

Kursus ini memungkinkan DPO bersertifikat untuk memvalidasi ulang izin DP mereka tanpa dokumentasi waktu laut DP yang memadai atau tanpa mengikuti program NI CPD.

* Bidang yang harus diisi

Biaya: USD 2000USD 1800
Waktu: 09:00 - 17:00
Negara kursus: Turkiye

The Nautical Institute

Kursus ini disertifikasi oleh
The Nautical Institute.
Durasi: 5 hari
Peserta: 4 orang
Validitas: 1 year
Bahasa: Inggeris

Turkiye contacts

Alamat: İçmeler, D-100
Karayolu Cad. No:38/8,
34944 Tuzla / İstanbul

Kursus ini ditujukan bagi mereka yang telah mendapatkan sertifikat DPO dari The Nautical Institute namun tidak dapat melakukan validasi ulang sertifikat DPO karena waktu laut DP tidak mencukupi. Kursus ini memungkinkan DPO yang belum pernah bekerja di kapal DP untuk menyegarkan pengetahuan mereka tentang operasi DP, kerja tim Jembatan DP, Manajemen sumber daya DP Darurat dan mengikuti pedoman industri terkini. Kursus dapat menggantikan program NI CPD jika DPO sedang memvalidasi ulang Tiket DP-nya, memiliki waktu laut DP yang terdokumentasi dengan baik, tetapi tidak mengikuti skema NI CPD.

Konten Kursus

Pelatihan ini didasarkan pada program yang dituangkan dalam rekomendasi yang tertuang dalam pedoman The International Maritime Organization (IMO) dan The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).
Pelatihan merupakan perpaduan antara sesi teori dan latihan praktik dalam simulator, menggunakan Kongsberg DP.


Tujuan kursus secara keseluruhan adalah untuk memperbarui DPO dengan aturan dan regulasi terbaru, referensi posisi dan sensor, insiden DP yang diketahui, dan pembelajaran yang didapat. Di akhir kursus, siswa harus:

  • Telah memperoleh pengetahuan tentang aturan dan peraturan terbaru
  • Telah memperoleh pengetahuan tentang perkembangan terkini dalam sensor dan PRS
  • Telah memperoleh pengetahuan tentang insiden DP terbaru yang relevan dan mengapa hal itu terjadi
  • Mampu mengenali berbagai pesan alarm, peringatan dan informasi
  • Melaksanakan perencanaan operasional, penilaian risiko dan tugas identifikasi bahaya
  • Siapkan sistem DP untuk tugas/operasi tertentu
  • Memutuskan tindakan yang akan diambil karena kegagalan sistem

Instruktur akan menilai dan menilai kandidat selama latihan teori dan praktik. Nilai kelulusannya adalah 70%

Persyaratan Pendaftaran

DPO harus memiliki tiket DP valid yang dikeluarkan oleh NI untuk mengikuti kursus ini. Apabila DPO mempunyai waktu DP melaut selama 30 hari atau lebih, maka Kursus Penyegaran dan Penilaian Kompetensi DP dapat diselesaikan sewaktu-waktu sesuai kebutuhan. Apabila DPO tidak mempunyai DP sea time atau kurang dari 30 hari seat time, maka Kursus Revalidasi dapat diselesaikan paling lambat enam bulan sebelum tanggal validasi ulang yang ditetapkan oleh NI. Jika DPO memiliki waktu DP sea time kurang dari 30 hari, maka kursus akan berlaku untuk jangka waktu 12 bulan saja, yang pada saat itu DPO harus mengajukan permohonan ke NI untuk validasi ulang sertifikat.

Tulis Ulasan Anda Sendiri

Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang NI DP Revalidation / Refresher and Competency Assessment Course

Hubungi tim pemesanan kami di +90 216 759 96 01 atau email tim di

The Dynamic Positioning (DP) Revalidation Course offered by Lerus in Türkiye is a pivotal program for Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPOs) seeking to revalidate their DP certificates, especially when they have not accumulated the required 150 DP sea time days or have not adhered to the NI CPD programme. This course, recognized by the Nautical Institute (NI), is designed for DPOs who need to refresh their knowledge on DP operations, bridge teamwork, and emergency DP resource management due to insufficient DP sea time. It serves as an alternative to the NI CPD programme for those who have sufficient documented DP sea time but did not follow the CPD scheme. The course content, aligned with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) guidelines, combines theoretical sessions with practical exercises on Kongsberg DP simulators, ensuring DPOs are updated with the latest rules, regulations, sensor technologies, and lessons learned from known DP incidents.

The revalidation course may be completed up to six months before the revalidation date set by the NI, making it a flexible option for DPOs to maintain their certification. The course aims to ensure that DPOs keep pace with the developing standards in dynamic positioning, focusing on the minimum DP sea time requirement and the period of validity, which extends to 12 months for those with less than 30 days of DP sea time. This period allows DPOs to apply for certificate revalidation with the NI, ensuring their ability to operate within the dynamic and ever-evolving maritime industry. By completing this course, DPOs demonstrate their commitment to professional development and adherence to the highest standards of safety and efficiency in DP operations.

The Dynamic Positioning (DP) Revalidation Course, as offered by Lerus in Türkiye, is meticulously designed to meet the stringent revalidation requirements set by the Nautical Institute (NI). This course provides a pathway for certified Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPOs) to revalidate their DP certificates, especially tailored for those who find themselves unable to meet the conventional sea time requirements. Through a comprehensive curriculum that includes lessons learned from known DP incidents, the course ensures that DPOs are well-versed in the latest DP operations and technologies, including hands-on training with Kongsberg simulators. This approach not only refreshes the DPOs' knowledge base but also ensures they remain at the cutting edge of DP standards and practices.

The course's structure is such that it allows DPOs to revalidate their certificates without the traditional sea time requirement, addressing the challenges faced by many DPOs with insufficient DP sea time. By presenting their original DPO certificate at the DP centre where the revalidation course is completed, participants can seamlessly revalidate their credentials. This process underscores the importance of maintaining up-to-date qualifications in line with the NI’s evolving standards, ensuring that DPOs can continue to operate effectively within the dynamic maritime environment. Furthermore, the course emphasizes the criticality of keeping pace with developing standards, offering DPOs the knowledge and skills necessary to manage DP operations safely and efficiently. Upon completion, participants are not only equipped to revalidate their DP certificates but are also better prepared to contribute to the safety and operational excellence in the field of dynamic positioning.

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