OPITO Helideck Operations Initial Training (HOIT) - HLO and HDA Initial Training

Pelatihan dirancang untuk memberikan pengetahuan awal, pemahaman dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan peran Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) dan/atau Helideck Assistant (HDA) dengan tingkat keselamatan dan efisiensi yang tinggi.

* Bidang yang harus diisi

Biaya: USD 1500USD 1200
Waktu: 09:00 - 17:00
Negara kursus: Turkiye

Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization

Kursus ini
disertifikasi oleh OPITO.
Durasi: 3 hari
Peserta: 12 orang
Validitas: No expiry
Bahasa: Inggeris

Turkiye contacts

Alamat: İçmeler, D-100
Karayolu Cad. No:38/8,
34944 Tuzla / İstanbul

Pelatihan Awal Operasi Dek Heli dirancang untuk memberikan pengetahuan awal, pemahaman dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan peran Petugas Pendaratan Helikopter (HLO) dan/atau Asisten Dek Heli (HDA) dengan tingkat keselamatan dan efisiensi yang tinggi.

HLO bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan sehari-hari dek heli, operasi dek heli terkait, dan pengawasan Asisten Dek Heli (HDA). HLO bertanggung jawab untuk memimpin respons awal terhadap keadaan darurat helikopter di instalasi tetap, bergerak, atau terapung lepas pantai

Target Audiens

Setiap orang yang ditunjuk sebagai Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) dan/atau Helideck Assistant (HDA).

Prasyarat Kursus

Minimal, delegasi harus telah menyelesaikan kursus pelatihan Barang Berbahaya melalui Udara sesuai dengan Bagian 1, Bab 1.4 dari Petunjuk Teknis ICAO dan sub bagian 1.5 dari Peraturan Barang Berbahaya IATA, Kategori 7, 8 atau 9 atau barang berbahaya yang disetujui penerbangan negara kursus pelatihan kesadaran.


Pelajaran teori bersama dengan latihan praktis dalam simulator Helikopter:

  • Peraturan dan pedoman Dek Heli Lepas Pantai
  • Sistem Manajemen dan Bahaya Helikopter dan Dek Helikopter
  • Tanggung jawab HLO selama pendaratan dan keberangkatan helikopter
  • Pengawasan penanganan penumpang dan kargo
  • HLO Instalasi yang Biasanya Tanpa Pengawasan. Tanggung Jawab HLO
  • Pengawasan HDA
  • Kesadaran pengisian bahan bakar helikopter

Peserta harus menunjukkan kemampuan untuk memahami dan melakukan tanggung jawab dasar Petugas Pendaratan Helikopter (HLO)

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OPITO Helideck Operations Initial Training: Setting Industry Standards

Lerus Training offers the OPITO Helideck Operations Initial Training (HOIT), a specialized program designed for those aspiring to become a Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) or Helideck Assistant (HDA). This training course is crucial for delegates appointed to the role of HLO and HDA, as it equips them with the initial knowledge, understanding, and skills required to perform these roles safely and effectively. The OPITO HOIT program covers a wide range of topics, including offshore helideck regulations and guidelines, helicopter and helideck hazards management systems, and the responsibilities of HLOs during helicopter landing and departure. Additionally, the course delves into the supervision of passengers and cargo handling, helicopter refueling awareness, and the supervision of HDAs. By completing this training, delegates will be able to respond to required helideck protocols, such as ensuring helicopter anti-collision lights are switched on and using handheld radios and hand signals for safe-to-approach indications.

Helicopter Operations: Expert Training for Offshore Challenges

The HOIT program by Lerus Training is not just an accreditation; it's a comprehensive training and assessment regime that prepares delegates for real-world scenarios in helideck operations. The course is aimed at providing a thorough understanding of helicopter operations, particularly in floating installations, and equips delegates with the skills required to perform their duties in various offshore environments. By focusing on emergency rescue and recovery, the training ensures that delegates are prepared for any situation that may arise while working in a confined space. This program is essential for anyone looking to work as an HLO or HDA, providing them with the confidence and competence to handle the complexities of helideck operations.

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