NI DP Revalidation / Refresher and Competency Assessment Course

Kursus ini membenarkan DPO yang diperakui untuk mengesahkan semula lesen DP mereka tanpa masa laut DP yang didokumenkan yang mencukupi atau tanpa mengikuti program NI CPD.

* Required Fields

Kos: USD 1000
Masa: 09:00 - 17:00
Negara Kursus: Ukraine

The Nautical Institute

Kursus ini diperakui oleh
The Nautical Institute.
Tempoh: 5 hari
Peserta: 4 orang
Kesahan: 1 tahun
Bahasa: Ing / Ukr

Kenalan Ukraine

Alamat: 23, Chornomorskogo Kozatstva
Odesa, Ukraine, 65003

Kursus ini bertujuan untuk mereka yang telah pun dikeluarkan sijil DPO daripada The Nautical Institute tetapi tidak dapat mengesahkan semula sijil DPO mereka kerana masa laut DP yang tidak mencukupi. Kursus ini membolehkan DPO yang belum pernah berada di kapal DP yang bekerja untuk menyegarkan pengetahuan mereka tentang operasi DP, kerja pasukan DP Bridge, Pengurusan sumber DP Kecemasan dan kekal terkini dengan garis panduan industri terkini. Kursus ini boleh menggantikan program NI CPD sekiranya DPO mengesahkan semula Tiket DPnya, mempunyai masa laut DP yang didokumenkan yang mencukupi, tetapi tidak mengikut skim NI CPD.

Kandungan kursus

Latihan itu adalah berdasarkan program seperti yang digariskan oleh cadangan yang terkandung dalam garis panduan The International Maritime Organization (IMO) dan The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).
Latihan ialah gabungan sesi teori dan latihan praktikal dalam simulator, menggunakan Kongsberg DP.


Matlamat keseluruhan kursus adalah untuk mengemas kini DPO dengan peraturan dan peraturan terkini, rujukan kedudukan dan penderia, insiden DP yang diketahui dan pengajaran yang dipelajari. Pada akhir kursus, pelajar hendaklah:

  • Telah memperoleh pengetahuan tentang peraturan dan peraturan terkini
  • Telah memperoleh pengetahuan tentang perkembangan terkini dalam sensor dan PRS
  • Telah memperoleh pengetahuan tentang insiden DP terkini yang berkaitan dan sebab ia berlaku
  • Dapat mengenali pelbagai mesej penggera, amaran dan maklumat
  • Menjalankan perancangan operasi, penilaian risiko dan tugas mengenal pasti bahaya
  • Sediakan sistem DP untuk tugas/operasi tertentu
  • Tentukan langkah tindakan kerana kegagalan sistem

Pengajar akan menilai dan menjaringkan calon semasa latihan teori dan praktikal. Markah lulus ialah 70%

Syarat Kemasukan

DPO mesti mempunyai tiket DP sah yang dikeluarkan oleh NI untuk menghadiri kursus ini. Jika DPO mempunyai 30 hari atau lebih masa laut DP, maka Kursus Penyegaran dan Penilaian Kompetensi DP boleh disiapkan pada bila-bila masa, mengikut keperluan. Jika DPO tidak mempunyai masa laut DP atau kurang daripada 30 hari masa duduk, maka Kursus Pengesahan Semula boleh diselesaikan sehingga enam bulan sebelum tarikh pengesahan semula yang ditetapkan oleh NI. Jika DPO mempunyai kurang daripada 30 hari masa laut DP, kursus akan sah untuk tempoh 12 bulan sahaja, di mana DPO mesti memohon kepada NI untuk pengesahan semula sijil.

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The Dynamic Positioning (DP) Revalidation Course offered by Lerus in Ukraine is a crucial program for certified Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPOs) who seek to revalidate their DP certificates, especially when they have not accumulated the required 150 DP sea time days or have not followed the NI CPD programme. This course is tailored for DPOs who have previously been issued a DPO certificate by the Nautical Institute (NI) but find themselves unable to meet the sea time requirement due to various reasons, including not being active on a DP vessel. By completing this course, participants can refresh their knowledge on DP operations, bridge teamwork, emergency DP resource management, and stay updated with the latest industry guidelines. The course content is designed in accordance with the recommendations of The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA), incorporating both theoretical sessions and practical exercises on Kongsberg DP simulators. This blend ensures that DPOs are well-versed in the latest rules, regulations, sensor technologies, and are prepared to handle DP incidents with the lessons learned from past experiences.

Furthermore, the DP Revalidation Course underscores the importance of continuous education and adaptation for DPOs to keep pace with developing standards in dynamic positioning. The revalidation process facilitated by this course allows for a certified DPO to revalidate their certificate without the traditional sea time requirement, provided it is completed within six months before the revalidation date set by the NI. This flexibility is vital for ensuring that DPOs can maintain their certification and continue their careers without interruption. The course's aim is not only to update DPOs on the latest rules and regulations but also to ensure that they are competent in operational planning, risk assessment, and can effectively set up the DP system for specific tasks or operations. By focusing on known DP incidents and the lessons learned, the course prepares DPOs to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions in the event of system failures, thereby enhancing the safety and efficiency of DP operations.

The Dynamic Positioning (DP) Revalidation Course, as offered by Lerus in Ukraine, addresses the critical revalidation requirements for certified Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPOs) who may not meet the traditional sea time requirements set by the Nautical Institute (NI). This course is specifically designed to ensure that DPOs can revalidate their DP certificates even without the standard sea time requirement, catering to those who have faced challenges in accumulating sufficient DP sea time. By incorporating lessons from known DP incidents and utilizing advanced Kongsberg simulators, the course aims to equip DPOs with the latest knowledge and skills necessary for effective DP operations. This approach ensures that DPOs are not only updated on the latest DP class standards and operations but are also prepared to handle complex situations that may arise during DP operations.

The structure of the course is such that it allows DPOs to refresh and enhance their understanding of DP systems, ensuring they keep pace with the developing standards in the industry. The training emphasizes the importance of being presented at the DP centre where the revalidation course is completed, ensuring that the DPO's certificate from the Nautical Institute is duly recognized and revalidated. For DPOs with insufficient DP sea time, this course offers a pathway to maintain their certification by completing the required DP sea time days through simulator training and theoretical lessons. The course underscores the necessity for DPOs to stay current with the evolving DP standards and regulations, ensuring their ability to operate safely and efficiently in the dynamic maritime environment. By successfully completing the course, DPOs demonstrate their commitment to professional development and adherence to the highest standards of DP operations, thereby ensuring the continued validity of their DP certificates.

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