OPITO Banksman & Slinger Initial Training

This training required for banksmen and slingers performing or assisting in lifting activities in oil-and-gas and renewable energy industries.

* Обов'язкові поля

Вартість: EUR 1100
Час: 09:00 - 17:00
Країна курсу: Болгарія

Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization

Цей курс
затверджено OPITO.
Duration: 3 дні
Participants: 12
Validity: 2 роки 8 місяців
Мова: Англійська

Болгарія контакти

Адреса: Булярд, Південна промислова зона, Варна, Болгарія, 9000
Електронна пошта: varna@lerus-online.com


This training aims to equip the learner with the basic knowledge of activities associated with the combined Banksman and Slinger roles, and the safety and regulatory requirements of those activities. It may be required for oil-and-gas and renewable energy industry workers.


  • Relevant Legislation and Regulations
  • Hazard Identification and Controls
  • The Role of the Banksman and Slinger
  • Communications and Visibility
  • The principles of lifting operations by crane
  • Introduction to Lifting Equipment and Accessories
  • Planning for Lifting Operations by Crane
  • Carrying out the lifting operation
  • Restoring the work area and post-operation responsibilities
  • Practical exercises on the lifting ground:
  • Free access lift (twice – once as banksman and once as a slinger)
  • Restricted access lift (twice – once as banksman and once as slinger)
  • Blind lift (twice – once as banksman and once as slinger)
  • Lift with a load with an offset centre of gravity (twice - Once as banksman and once as slinger)
  • Securing cargo for transportation by road or sea
  • Following successful completion of the OPITO Banksman and Slinging Initial Training Programme, the learner can proceed to the workplace to work under direct supervision of a competent person - to complete Banksman and Slinger Workplace Experience Logbook (will be provided by the training centre).

The OPITO Banksman and Slinger Workplace Experience Logbook must be completed and OPITO Banksman and Slinger Competence Assessment  must be undertaken during this 2 years and 8 month period if the learner wishes to achieve an OPITO-approved Banksman and Slinger certificate of competence.


Admission requirements

Medical entry requirements

All delegates attending this training have to:

a)      Possess an employing company approved medical certificate equivalent to an offshore medical certificate.


b)     Undergo medical screening by completing an appropriate medical screening form provided by the Lerus Training Centre.


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Зв’яжіться з нашою командою бронювання +359 87 827 95 38 або напишіть команді на адресу varna@lerus-online.com

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