GWO BST Offshore Refresher Training PACKAGE

This package allows you to refresh your GWO modules required for offshore wind industry operation.

* 必須項目

費用: USD 0
タイム: 09:00 - 17:00
コース開催国: リトアニア
期間: 4日
参加者: 12名
妥当性: 2年
言語: 英語

リトアニア コンタクト

Package Content

Offshore package suits personnel who work or willing to work within wind energy sector both onshore and offshore.
This package includes the following BST Refresher Modules:

  • First Aid
  • Manual Handling
  • Fire Awareness
  • Working at Heights
  • Sea Survival

Target Audience

Personnel who will be working in the wind industry or related fields and will have their duties in a wind turbine environment, usually in physical contact with a wind turbine or an offshore wind structure.
Personnel that perform job functions that have been risk assessed by their employer or their workplace duty holder as a function, where training according to one or more modules of the BST standard may mitigate of the identified risks.


All personnel participating in this training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating. Participants’ signatures testifying to their medical fitness will be collected prior to the start of the module. Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for the relevant Modules prior to attending BSTR training. The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BSTR training. For more details about course prerequisites please contact our administration desk.


についてもっと知りたい GWO BST Offshore Refresher Training PACKAGE

ブッキング・チームまでご連絡ください。 +37060741711 までご連絡ください。

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